Feeling helpless, You are not alone!

   At some point of our life, we all might have faced this situation where we have so many friends and relatives yet feel like we are alone in the entire universe. You wish to do something about it but don’t know what to do and how to start. Let me tell you something very interesting there are around 772 crore people in the world (as of now in 2019), who struggle in life one way or the other.
   You may be in a better position than someone or you may be worse than someone, but you are not alone.Life is all about ups & downs and a straight line means you are dead. So my friend don’t worry that you are consumed by your thoughts, start doing something about it. Take a break from the routine. Give yourself some space, explore something new and interesting. An idle mind is a devils nest. Give some fodder to your mind.
   Start doing that hobby of you which you were thinking for a long time. Give some physical work to your body like yoga, gym, sports etc. Read at least 5 pages in a book of your choice.Set yourself some goals and stick those in your room where you can see them daily. Track your goals occasionally. The main aim of this task is not to make you a 100% productive and focused person from day one. Obviously that is not possible in a single day. You have to climb one step at a time. Allocate your precious time as per a schedule.
   Instead of worrying that you are helpless start taking action. I can assure you that by following a structured plan we can be better today than yesterday. So start your new phase from today. Here I have provided some resources that can help you.
    1. Practice meditation – Headspace
    2. Track your Habits – Habit Bull
    3. Read Books – My book list
    4. Do Exercise – Fitness
    5. Schedule Making – Calendar PDF


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